Fletcher Building’s Concrete Division (consisting of Firth, Golden Bay, and Winstone Aggregates) is the first Australasian company to become a full member of the Global Cement & Concrete Association (GCCA).
The GCCA is the leading global industry association supporting its members in driving the sustainability agenda through the development and sharing of guidance and good practices.
“We’re delighted that Fletcher Building Concrete Division is the first Australasian company to join the Global Cement & Concrete Association,” says Thomas Guillot, Chief Executive of the Global Cement and Concrete Association.
“Through the launch of the GCCA Industry Roadmap for Net Zero Concrete, our industry has set out a detailed plan to fully decarbonise by 2050. Our members around the world are wholly committed to achieving that mission. Fletcher Building’s low carbon cement is a prime example of where our industry can reduce its environmental impact,” says Thomas Guillot.
The GCCAs Net Zero by 2050 Roadmap along with gaining access to global research and innovation and resources will support Fletcher Buildings own journey to carbon zero.
Nick Traber, Fletcher Building Concrete Division CEO says “Fletcher Building firmly believes we can play a significant part in a carbon zero and circular future. Being the first Australasia concrete business to become a full member of the GCCA underpins our commitment to improve the world around us through innovation and sustainability in the industry.”
“Our Golden Bay EcoSure cement is one of the lowest carbon cements in the world already with 13-22% less embodied carbon than imported products. We believe having access to the global research and knowledge from GCCA will help us improve this further and continue to lead Australasia in best practice decarbonisation of the built environment.”
For more information on the GCCA visit gccassociation.org, for more information on Fletcher Building Concrete Division businesses please visit firth.co.nz, goldenbay.co.nz and winstoneaggregates.co.nz