How we're going to get there


Our sustainability strategy is how we intend to deliver our aspirational sustainability goals. 

Our strategy focusses on the things we know are most important to our business, our people, customers, communities, investors, and other key stakeholders. 


Our Sustainability Strategy



We have set five strategic goals that will help us deliver meaningful change.

Creating a safe and diverse workplace 

We want to make sure our people can bring their whole selves to work and go home safely to their families at the end of the day. We believe that all injuries and work-related illnesses are preventable.  

We are a diverse organisation that aspires to reflect the communities we operate in and the customers we serve. 

Our culture is inclusive and allows everyone to bring their whole selves to work, so our people feel comfortable about expressing their views and ideas and are treated with equity. 

Our measures 

  • Zero serious injuries 

  • 30% women in leadership by FY27 

  • Engagement (eNPS) ≥ 40

Progress we’re making: 

  • Strengthening our safety culture through our safety programme – Protect. In FY24, 87% of all our people believe that all injuries are preventable, and 90% believe leaders take responsibility for safety at work

  • Delivering important best in class people policies - Parental Leave and Gender Affirmation Leave + Transitioning at Work Guidelines

  • Collectively working to lift employee engagement – eNPS has increased to 35 in FY24, from 29 in FY23, and 26 in FY22

  • Delivering Whakatupu – Iatupu, Fletcher Building's Māori and Pasifika leadership programme to drive diversity in leadership.

Supporting information 

Enriching our communities

We genuinely believe our purpose of “improving the world around us through smart thinking, simply delivered” cannot be achieved unless we have our community and our customers at the heart of what we do. 

We will proactively maintain our social licence to operate via greater interaction with and positive impacts on the community and work with other like-minded organisations to constantly cultivate ideas that will enrich our customers’ lives and the communities we operate in. 

Progress we’re making: 

  • $4 million donations and sponsorships in FY23
  • Almost 400 family members of Fletcher Building employees received support for study or extra tuition in FY24

  • We continued to support students who would otherwise be unlikely to have an opportunity to enter tertiary education with five First Foundation scholarships.  

Supporting information 

Making a positive environmental impact 

We understand the impacts our business has on the environment.  

We are in a unique position to positively contribute to the environment and we will put significant effort into areas where we can create meaningful change and have a positive impact.

While we will always have an impact, we appreciate we have responsibility to ensure the balance is positive. 

Our measures 

  • 30% reduction in our direct and indirect emissions by 2030 

  • Net zero carbon by FY50 

Progress we’re making: 

  • Continue with our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reduction (19% reduction in FY24, from our FY18 baseline)

  • Launched Low Carbon cement EcoSure at 699 kg of CO2-eq/t cement, is 27% lower than the ISC baseline

  • Expand our analysis of energy and transport options in Australia and New Zealand

  • Continue and accelerate our engagement with suppliers on their emissions reduction plan – starting with the open doors – our biggest emitting suppliers and those that are already taking action.

Supporting information 

Innovating to deliver sustainable building products and solutions 

Sustainable products and solutions will be the future of our sector. 

We are stepping forward to shape our industry by innovating sustainable building products and solutions to deliver the best future outcomes for our customers and communities and work with the industry to achieve this. 

We will be a thought leader in our sector – influencing, partnering and driving positive change in our industry.

We won’t accept the status quo – instead, we will challenge ourselves and partner with others to accelerate innovation and boost a sustainable construction sector. 

It should be easy and convenient for our customers to choose a sustainable product, with the options being accessible and available. 

Our measure 

  • 75% revenue from sustainably certified products by FY26 (in our manufacturing businesses) 

Progress we are making: 

  • 74% of revenue from our product portfolio in our manufacturing businesses came from sustainably certified products FY24, up from 71% in FY23 and 61% in FY22

  • We have 21 Environmental Product Declarations for our products (published or under renewal)

  • LowCO homes (Fletcher Living's low carbon homes) were finished in 2024 and are industry leading in sustainable housing

  • Work with industry associations (e.g. NZGBC, LCANZ) and government agencies to share knowledge about lower embodied carbon products/

Supporting information

Eliminating waste and reusing products

We will consciously eliminate waste and create ways to reuse products and materials. 

As a portfolio of businesses across the value chain, we are in a unique position to champion the circular economy and support others to take part. 

We will consciously design products that use fewer resources and reduce waste and pollution, while focusing on creating new end-of life solutions for our products. 

A circular economy commitment requires us to collaborate across all of our operations with a common goal to drive positive environmental change. 

Our measure 

70% waste avoided, recycled and/or reused by FY26 

Progress we’re making: 

  • In FY24 we archived 87% waste diversion from landfill.

  • We’ll continue with a strong focus on waste reused and recycled and using waste management plans for major projects.

  • The new Winstone Wallboards plant at Tauriko will be able to use recycled plasterboard as feedstock.

  • We have diverted close 100,000t of waste from landfill at Golden Bay in FY23

  • The acquisition of Urban Quarry® provides a dual service hub of aggregate supply for city-based construction sites, and collection of construction and demolition waste. It will provide a platform to capture sufficient waste quantities at a central point to enable recycling on an efficient scale and accelerate access to expanded circular economy and recycling solutions for our customers.

Supporting information

To see more great examples of what we are doing check out “Our journey so far” >>