Fletcher Building notes comments reported in the media from BGC regarding the Perth plumbing failures.
We continue to participate in mediated discussions alongside the Western Australian Government and many WA builders, including BGC, to finalise an industry response to the plumbing failures occurring in Perth. These negotiations are confidential and have not yet concluded.
The public claims made by BGC are a crude and apparent attempt to place pressure on those negotiations. The conclusions shared by BGC have not been verified, shared with Iplex and are, in many respects, inconsistent with evidence we have gathered first-hand or been provided by other parties.
Fletcher Building stands by its views on causation shared with the market previously.
We do however note BGC’s acknowledgment that early intervention has proven to be a valuable mitigant, hence we look forward to settling an industry-led response with WA parties if possible.
Fletcher Building remains committed to a sensible, data-led and proportional solution from all parties and to playing its part in that process.
Authorised by, Haydn Wong, Company Secretary