
22 November 2018   |   Announcements

FB Pride supports inclusivity

Fletcher Building’s Pride Group is proud to be a champion for diversity and inclusiveness in Fletcher Building’s workplace culture.

Our employees enable us to do what we do, so the group’s focus remains to provide a channel of support for anyone who identifies as part of the LGBTQI+ community across Fletcher Building.

As rainbow representatives and supporters, FB Pride has decided Fletcher Building will step aside from sponsoring the festival this year, and will not be taking part in the parade as a company.

The company will still support other LGBTQI+ and Pride events during Auckland Pride Month, and our people are free to choose to join the parade as individuals.

FB Pride's decision is based on the fact that the current direction of the 2019 Parade and Festival is not in line with the Fletcher Building’s values championing diversity and inclusiveness in our workplace.

Instead, this year FB Pride will focus on celebrating and promoting diversity and inclusiveness in the regions, including pride events in Hamilton, Christchurch and Wellington.

FB Pride will reassess the company’s involvement in the parade in 2020.