Shareholder frequently asked questions.

Shareholder information

How can I buy Fletcher Building shares and keep track of the share price?

Fletcher Building shares may be purchased through an authorised market participant or stockbroker and traded on the NZX or ASX under the code FBU. Before making any decision you should speak to your financial advisor or an ASX or NZX market participant, which can be found at www.asx.com.au or www.nzx.com.

The Fletcher Building share price can be found on the NZX and ASX websites and on this website.


How do I find out how many shares I own?

Computershare manages Fletcher Building’s shareholder register and has an online portal that investors can use to manage their investment in Fletcher Building shares

You can also contact Computershare:

Computershare Investor Services Limited
Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142
Ph: 09 488 8777; Fax: 09 488 8787
Email: enquiry@computershare.co.nz
Website: www.investorcentre.com/nz


How do I change my address or any other contact details?

Computershare manages Fletcher Building’s shareholder register and has an online portal that investors can use to manage their investment in Fletcher Building shares

You can also contact Computershare:

Computershare Investor Services Limited
Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142
Ph: 09 488 8777; Fax: 09 488 8787
Email: enquiry@computershare.co.nz
Website: www.investorcentre.com/nz


Do I need to advise the share registry if I have changed my name?

Yes. You can manage your shareholding online or contact Computershare:

Computershare Investor Services Limited
Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142
Ph: 09 488 8777; Fax: 09 488 8787
Email: enquiry@computershare.co.nz
Website: www.investorcentre.com/nz


What do I do if I haven’t received my dividend statement or want to talk to someone about my dividend?

Please contact Computershare:

Computershare Investor Services Limited
Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142
Ph: 09 488 8777; Fax: 09 488 8787
Email: enquiry@computershare.co.nz
Website: www.investorcentre.com/nz


Who is Fletcher Building’s share registrar and how do I contact them?

Our share registrar is Computershare. Their contact details are:

Computershare Investor Services Limited
Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142
Ph: 09 488 8777; Fax: 09 488 8787
Email: enquiry@computershare.co.nz
Website: www.investorcentre.com/nz


When is the Fletcher Building Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held?

Typically, the ASM is held in October of each year.

Find the dates and locations of all upcoming events >>


Where can I find more information about Fletcher Building ADRs?

You can access information on ADRs on this website.